transformation of the self – jack painter
15. september 2012
Englische Ausgabe von International Council of PsychoCorporal (Bodymind) Integration Trainers (ICPIT) (Herausgeber), Bernhard Schlage (Herausgeber, Autor), Rita Erken (Herausgeber, Autor), Jack Painter (Autor), Raffaele Cascone (Autor), Dirk Marivoet (Autor), Niall O’Siochain (Autor), Birgit Beitter (Autor), Carmine Piroli (Autor), Anton Adam Eckert (Autor), Claude Vaux (Autor), Günter Schwiefert (Autor), Rosa Maria Sevilla Padron (Autor), Massimo Soldati (Autor), Beverly Wilkinson (Autor), Silke Ziehl (Autor).
this publication by the International Council of PsychoCorporal (Bodymind) Integration (ICPIT), ghent, belgium, comprises a series of papers on the theory and practice of Bodymind Integration, especially Postural Integration (PI). it gives an overview of the experiences that have ben accumulated in more than 40 years of practising and teaching in every continent of the world.
ein sammelband über jack painter und die methode der posturalen integration – body mind integration. gemeinsam mit autoren aus neun verschiedenen nationen erscheint ein sonderband zur körperpsychotherapeutischen arbeit in der tradition von jack painter: the transformation of the self with bodymind integration: editors: rita erken und bernhard schlage.
der englischsprachige sammelband enthält neben den beiträgen von raffaele cascone (I), anton adam eckert (D), rita erken (D), dirk marivoet (B), niall o’siochain (IRL / D), carmine piroli (I), bernhard schlage (D), günter schwiefert (AU), rosa maría sevilla padrón (MEX), massimo soldati (I), claude vaux (F), beverly wilkinson (ZA) und silke ziehl (GB / D) auch originalbeiträge vom gründer der posturalen integration, jack painter.
die folgende leseprobe (englisch) stellt die autoren aus verschiedenen zweigen der körperorientierten psychotherapie (engl: bodymind integration) wie postural Integration, energetic integration, psychotherapeutic postural integration vor:
* leseprobe: transformation of the self (pdf)
herausgeber: Holzinger, H W; 1. edition
sprache: englisch
€ 25.00
zzgl. versandkosten
« This book offers a deep look into the world of therapists, which dedicate their work to the idea of bodymind integration- how can you heal with the human touch? The reader gets in touch with a therapeutical movement, that takes the client into the center of interest, not a method. Its aim is to free the individual potential from restrictions to transform the Self. A new posture is gained, as well referring to your body as to your posture in the world. According to this intention it’s a wonderful achievement from the editors, that therapists from all over the world wrote articles about their work – many different shades of the human touch are offered like a bouquet of flowers – you get delighted by all the colours, you can smell the varity of aromas and can feel the various textures of leaves, blossoms and stipes. The book is dedicated to the visionary „Jack Painter and his life achievement, and to those who continue his unique creation.“It’s an invitation to get in touch with all the shades of the human existance, with curiosity and empathy, respect and hope. Thank you for one of the most touching books I’ve ever read! »
« Great book!Deeply informative and inspirational. A must for any Bodypsychotherapist »
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